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Prieto Aguilar

SCI - Publications

42. de la Riva E, Querejeta J.I, Villar R; Pérez-Ramos I, Maranon T, Galán Díaz J, Prieto I. The economics spectrum drives root trait strategies in Mediterranean vegetation. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 773118


41. Querejeta J, Schlaeppi K, López-García A, Ondoño S, Prieto I, van der Heijden M, Alguacil M.M.  2021. Lower relative abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi under a warmer and drier climate is linked to enhanced soil organic matter decomposition. New Phytologist. 232(3):1399-1413


40. Querejeta JI, Ren W, Prieto I. Vertical decoupling of water and nutrients in soil profiles under climate warming reduces plant cumulative nutrient uptake, water use efficiency and productivity. New Phytologist. 230(4): 1378-1393


39. Sánchez-Martín R, Querejeta JI, Voltas J, Ferrio JP, Prieto I, Verdú M, Montesinos-Navarro A. Edaphic specialist and generalist plant species differ in their strategies to deal with intrinsic properties of gypsum soils. Plant and Soil. 462: 297-309


38. de la Riva E, Prieto I, Marañon T, Pérez-Ramos I, Olmo M, Villar R. Root economics spectrum and construction costs in Mediterranean woody plants: the role of symbiotic associations and the environment. Journal of Ecology. 109(4): 1873-1885


37. Freschet, Grégoire; Roumet, Catherine; Comas, Louise; Weemstra, Monique; Bengough, Glyn; Rewald, Boris ; Bardgett, Richard; De Deyn, Gerlinde; Johnson, David; Klimešová, Jitka; Lukac, Martin; McCormack, M. Luke; Meier, Ina; Pagès, Loïc; Poorter, Hendrik; Prieto, Iván; Wurzburger, Nina; Zadworny, Marcin; Bagniewska-Zadworna, Agnieszka ; Blancaflor, Elison; Brunner, Ivano; Gessler, Arthur; Hobbie, Sarah; Iversen, Colleen; Mommer, Liesje; Picon-Cochard, Catherine; Postma, Johannes; Rose, Laura; Ryser, Peter; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda; Sun, Tao; Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar; Weigelt, Alex; York, Larry; Noûs, Camille; Stokes, Alexia (2020) Root traits as drivers of plant and ecosystem functioning: current understanding, pitfalls and future research needs. New Phytologist. 232: 1123-1158.


36. White H, Leon-Sanchez L, Burton V, Cameron E, Caruso T, Cunha L, Dirilgen T, Kelly R, Kumaresan D, Ochoa-Hueso R, Ordonez A, Phillips H, Prieto I, Schmidt O, Caplat, P. A review of challenges in Macroecology and methods to address them. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 29(10): 1674-1690. Doi: 10.1111/geb.13156


35. Delpiano C, Prieto I, Carvajal D, Loayza AP, Squeo FA (2020). Different responses of leaf and root traits to a soil nutrient gradient do not converge into a community-level plant economics spectrum. Plant and Soil. 450: 463-478


34. Prieto I, Querejeta JI. (2020) Simulated climate change decreases nutrient resorption from senescing leaves in a semi-arid shrubland. Global Change Biology. 26(3): 1795-1807


33. León-Sánchez L, Nicolás E, Prieto I, Nortes P, Maestre FTM, Querejeta JI. (2020) Altered leaf elemental composition with climate change is linked to large reductions in photosynthesis, growth and survival in a semiarid shrubland. Journal of Ecology. 108:47-60


32. Bayala J, Prieto I. (2020) Water acquisition, sharing and redistribution by roots: applications to agroforestry systems. Plant and Soil. 453: 17-28


31. Prieto I, Almagro M, Bastida F, Querejeta JI (2019) Altered leaf litter quality exacerbates the negative impact of climate change on decomposition. Journal of Ecology. 107(5):2364-2382


30. de la Riva E, Prieto I, Villar R (2019) The leaf economic spectrum drives leaf litter decomposition in Mediterranean forests. Plant and Soil. 435(1-2):353-366


29. Querejeta JI, Prieto I, Campoy M, Alguacil MM, Roldán A. (2018) Water-spender strategy is linked to higher leaf nutrient concentrations across plant species colonizing a dry and nutrient-poor epiphytic habitat. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 153:302-310.


28. Bastida F, Crawther T, Prieto I, Routh D, García C, Bradford M, Fehmlich N. (2018) Climate shapes the activity of dominant bacterial phyla at broad taxonomical scales. Science of the Total Environment. 640-641:18-21


27. Prieto I, Querejeta JI, Segrestin J, Volaire F, Roumet C. (2018) Leaf carbon and oxygen isotopes are coordinated with the leaf economics spectrum in Mediterranean rangeland species. Functional Ecology. 32:612-615


26. León-Sánchez L, Nicolas E, Goberna M, Prieto I, Maestre FT, Querejeta JI (2018) Poor plant performance under simulated climate change is linked to mycorrhizal responses in a semiarid shrubland. Journal of Ecology. 106:960-976


25. Le Bissonais Y., Prieto I., Roumet C., Nespoulous J., Metayer J., Huon S., Villatoro M., Stokes A. (2018) Soil aggregate stability in Mediterranean and Tropical ecosystems: effect of plant roots and soil characteristics. Plant and Soil. 424:303-317


24. Rossi LMW, Rapidel B, Roupsard O, Villatoro M, Mao Z, Nespoulous J, Prieto I, Perez J, Metselaar K, Schoorl JM, Claessens L, Stokes A. (2017) Sensitivity of the landslide model LAPSUS_LS to vegetation and soil parameters. Ecological Modelling. 109:249-255


23. Prieto I*, Birouste M, Zamora-Ledezma E, Gentit A, Goldin J, Volaire F, Roumet C* (2017) Decomposition rates of fine roots from three herbaceous perennial species: combined effect of root mixture composition and living plant community. Plant and Soil 415:359-372 * Corresponding authors that contributed equally to this work


22. Prieto I, Litrico I, Violle C, Barre P (2017) Five species, many genotypes, broad phenotypic diversity: when agronomy meets functional ecology. American Journal of Botany 104:62-71


21. Defrenet E, Roupsard O, Van den Meersche K, Charbonnier F, Pérez-Molina JP, Khac E, Prieto I, Stokes A, Roumet C, Rapidel B, Virginio Filho EM, Vargas VJ, Robelo D, Barquero A, Jourdan C (2016) Root biomass, turnover and net primary productivity in a coffee agroforestry system in Costa Rica: effects of soil depth, shade trees, distance to row and coffee age. Annals of Botany 118:883-851


20. Macek P*, Prieto I*, Macková J, Pistón N, Pugnaire FI (2016) Functional plant types drive plant interactions in a Mediterranean mountain range. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:662. * These authors contributed equally to this work


19. Prieto I, Roldán A, Huygens D, Alguacil MM, Navarro-Cano JA, Querejeta JI (2016) Species-specific roles of ectomycorrhizal fungi in facilitating interplant transfer of hydraulically redistributed water between Pinus halepensis saplings and seedlings. Plant and Soil 406:15-27


18. Prieto I, Stokes A, Roumet C (2016) Root functional parameters predict fine root decomposability at the community level. Journal of Ecology 104:725-733


17. Piston N, Schöb C, Armas C, Prieto I, Pugnaire FI (2016) Contribution of co-occurring shrub species to community richness and phylogenetic diversity along an environmental gradient. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 19.30:39


16. Germon A, Cardinael R, Prieto I, Mao Z, Kim JH, Stokes A, Dupraz C, Laclau JP, Jourdan C (2016) Unexpected phenology and lifespan of shallow and deep fine roots of walnut trees grown in a silvoarable Mediterranean agroforestry system. Plant and Soil. 401:409-426


15. García-Palacios P, Prieto I, Ourcival JM, Hättenschwiler S (2016) Disentangling the litter quality and soil microbial contribution to leaf and fine root litter decomposition responses to reduced rainfall. Ecosystems. 19:490-503


14. Butterfield BJ, Bradford JB, Armas C, Prieto I, Pugnaire FI (2016) Does the stress-gradient hypothesis hold for water? Disentangling spatial and temporal variation in plant effects on soil moisture in dryland systems. Functional Ecology. 30:10-19


13. Prieto I, Violle C, Barre P, Durand JL, Ghesquière M, Litrico I (2015) Complementary effects of species and genetic diversity on productivity and stability of sown grasslands. Nature Plants. 3: 15033


12. Cardinael R, Mao Z, Prieto I, Stokes A, Dupraz C, Kim JH, Jourdan C. (2015) Competition with winter crops induces deeper rooting of walnut trees in a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system. Plant and Soil. 391:219-235


11. Prieto I, Roumet C, Cardinael R, Dupraz C, Jourdan C, Kim JH, Maeght JL, Mao Z, Pierret A, Portillo N, Roupsard O, Thammahacksa C, Stokes A (2015) Root functional parameters along a land use gradient: evidence of a community-level economics spectrum. Journal of Ecology. 103(2):361-373

F1000 recommended articlel


10. Prieto I, Pugnaire FI, Ryel RJ. (2014) Water uptake and redistribution during drought in a semi-arid shrub species. Functional Plant Biology 41(8):812-819


9. Schöb C, Prieto I, Armas C, Pugnaire FI (2014) Consequences of facilitation: one plant’s benefit is another plant’s cost. Functional Ecology 28:500-508


8. Prieto I, Ryel RJ (2014) Internal hydraulic redistribution prevents the loss of root conductivity during drought. Tree Physiology 34:39-48


7. Schöb C, Armas C, Guler M, Prieto I, Pugnaire FI (2013) Variability in functional traits mediates plant interactions along stress gradients. Journal of Ecology 101(3):753-762 # Among the top most cited papers in Journal of Ecology in 2013


6. Prieto I, Armas C, Pugnaire FI. (2012) Hydraulic lift promotes selective root foraging in nutrient-rich soil patches. Functional Plant Biology 39(9): 804-812


5. #Prieto I, Armas C, Pugnaire FI (2012) Water release through plant roots: new insights into its consequences at the plant and ecosystem level. New Phytologist (Tansley review) 193:830-840

# Highly cited paper: top 1% of the academic field of Plant and Animal Science (Web of Science)


4. Querejeta JI*, Egerton-Warburton LM*, Prieto I*, Vargas R, Allen MF (2012) Changes in soil hyphal abundance and viability can alter the patterns of hydraulic redistribution by plant roots. Plant and Soil 355: 63-73 * These authors contributed equally to this work


3. Prieto I, Padilla FM, Armas C, Pugnaire FI (2011) The role of hydraulic lift on seedling establishment under a nurse plant species in a semi-arid environment. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13: 181-187


2. Prieto I, Martínez-Tillería K, Martínez-Manchego, L, Montecinos S, Pugnaire FI, Squeo FA (2010) Hydraulic lift through transpiration suppression in shrubs from two arid ecosystems: patterns and control mechanisms. Oecologia 163:855-865


1. Prieto I, Kikvidze Z, Pugnaire FI (2010) Hydraulic lift: soil processes and transpiration in the Mediterranean leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss. Plant and Soil 329:447-456

Book chapters

O. Roupsard, K. Van den Meersche, C. Allinne, P. Vaast, B. Rapidel, J. Avelino, C. Jourdan, G. Le Maire, J.-M. Bonnefond, J-M. Harmand, J. Dauzat, A. Albrecht, T. Chevallier, B. Barthès, A. Clément-Vidal, F. Gómez-Delgado, F. Charbonnier, L. Benegas, K. Welsh, R. Kinoshita, Remi Vezy, J.P. Perez Molina, J. Kim, S. Taugourdeau, E. Defrenet, J. Nespoulous, F. Rançon, F. Guidat, A. Cambou, M. Soma, C. Mages, F. Schnabel, I. Prieto, D. Picart, M. Duthoit, A. Rocheteau, F. Do, E. de Melo Virginio Filho, R. Moussa, Y. Le Bissonnais, C. Valentin, R. Sánchez-Murillo, C. Roumet, A. Stokes, L. Vierling, J. Eitel, E. Dreyer, L. Saint-André, A. Malmer, D. Loustau, M. Isaac, A. Martin, A. Priemé, B. Elberling, M. Madsen, A. Robelo, D. Robelo, C. Borgonovo, P. Lehner, G. Ramirez, M. Jara, R. Acuna Vargas, A. Barquero, C. Fonseca, F. Gay (2019) Huit ans de suivi des services écosystémiques dans un observatoire de café agroforestier. Applications pratiques pour la filière café. Trade-offs in ecosystem services in agroforestry. Agroforestry Systems.


Armas C, Casanoves F, DeClerk F, Dieme JS, Diouf M, Prieto I, Pugnaire FI, Querejeta JI, Rocha L, Rusch GM, Sánchez D, Yossi H (2013) Coping with water shortage. In book: Cross-site analyses of agroforestry ecological functions in sub-humid and semi-arid regions. Edition: Technical Brief no. 7. Chapter: 1. Publisher: FUNCiTREE, editors: Graciela Rush, Francisco Pugnaire


Prieto I, Armas C, Pugnaire FI (2013) Redistribución del agua del suelo por las plantas: Un mecanismo natural de aprovechamiento de agua. Quercus 331

Prieto I. (2011) Patrones de redistribución hidráulica y su importancia en zonas áridas. Ecosistemas 20(2-3):107-111. Prize to the best-published PhD thesis in 2011

Prieto I. (2010) Hydraulic redistribution patterns and its importance in arid zones. PhD thesis project. University of Almeria

Prieto I. (2007) Hydraulic lift: patterns and ecological implications for a Retama sphaerocarpa community and its associated species in Almeria province (Spain). Master thesis (DEA). University of Almeria

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